Tuesday Feb 25, 2025

BSIDE Rubber Soul

Featured Artist: The Beatles

Featured Vinyl: Rubber Soul


Alexis’ Hot Pick 

You Won’t See Me

Sam’s Hot Pick

If I Needed Someone

Thanks for listening, catch you on the next episode.

Psst! We are always on the lookout for an artist's vinyl to listen to, have you got one in mind that we should check out? Get in contact with us via Instagram @throughthecreativedoor


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Created and Hosted by Alexis Naylor

Co-Host: Sam Timmerman

Music by Alexis Naylor & Ruby Miguel

Voiceover: Ruby Miguel

Edited and Produced by Ruby Miguel


Notes for Sam & Alexis:


The Beatles

Record Title

Rubber Soul

Vinyl Artwork

“The album cover is another example of our branching out: the stretched photo,” McCartney acknowledged in Anthology. “That was actually one of those little exciting random things that happen. The photographer Robert Freeman had taken some pictures round at John’s house in Weybridge. We had our new gear on – the polo necks – and we were doing straight mug shots; the four of us all posing.”

McCartney added: “Back in London, Robert was showing us the slides; he had a piece of cardboard that was the album-cover size and he was projecting the photographs exactly onto it so we could see how it would look as an album cover. We had just chosen the photograph when the card that the picture was projected onto fell backwards a little, elongating the photograph. It was stretched and we went, ‘That’s it, Rubber So-o-oul, hey hey! Can you do it like that?’ And he said, ‘well, yeah. I can print it that way.’ And that was it.”

Furthermore, George Harrison noted in the same documentary: “I liked the way we got our faces to be longer on the album cover. We lost the ‘little innocents’ tag, the naivety, and Rubber Soul was the first one where we were fully-fledged potheads.”


Alexis’ Hot Pick 

You Won’t See Me - just love the call & response & harmonies! And the meaning… 

Written by McCartney, "You Won't See Me" reflects the difficulties he was experiencing in his relationship with actress Jane Asher due to her refusal to put her acting career second to his needs

Sam’s Hot Pick

If I needed someone - fun thematic premise that can allow a million interpretations :) 

(From Beatles Bible)

If I Needed Someone

Written by: Harrison

Recorded: 16, 18 October 1965

Released: 3 December 1965 (UK), 15 June 1966 (US)

Inspired by Roger McGuinn’s guitar work for The Byrds, ‘If I Needed Someone’ was written by George Harrison and first appeared in the UK on the Rubber Soul album.

‘If I Needed Someone’ is like a million other songs written around a D chord. If you move your finger about you get various little melodies. That guitar line, or variations on it, is found in many a song, and it amazes me that people still find new permutations of the same notes.

George Harrison, 1980

‘If I Needed Someone’ was the only one of Harrison’s songs to have become a part of The Beatles’ live repertoire. It is believed to have been performed at every Beatles concert in 1966, and was played at their final show at San Francisco’s Candlestick Park on 29 August 1966.


Producer: George Martin

Engineer: Norman Smith

Recording Artists




Fun facts


Other Info

00:09 - Intro (Announcement)

Welcome to B-Side, the mini-series from Through the Creative Door. Join Alexis and Sam as they dive into the timeless world of vinyl. For Alexis, vinyl was more than music. It was a Sunday ritual she shared with her dad, listening, talking and soaking in the stories behind each album and the artwork on every sleeve. Though her dad is no longer with us, she continues this tradition with her friend, Sam Timmerman. Join them as they share their passion for vinyl and the stories these records hold. 


00:44 - Alexis (Host)

Hello brother, hey, hey, hey how we doing good, how are you? 


00:51 - Sam (Host)

I'm good, it's hot today. 


00:54 - Alexis (Host)

I've got it's windy and hot here I've got this. I have one of those, but it's sitting somewhere else, it's not on my desk there you go? 


01:06 - Sam (Host)

No, it's a bit warm. The blinds are closed, the fan's on, but we're okay. 


01:12 - Alexis (Host)

I love it. 


01:12 - Sam (Host)

You're going well. You said it's windy over there. 


01:14 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, bloody Melbourne, four seasons one day. Just wait long enough. 


01:19 - Sam (Host)

Do people listening know that we're on opposite sides of the country? 


01:21 - Alexis (Host)

because that's super cool oh yeah, that's, that's true. That's true. 


01:26 - Sam (Host)

You're on the western coast, stairs and I'm on the east coast, east Perth western australia oh, my other home. I adore it over there indeed, and we adore you being here as well no stop what are we up to? 


01:44 - Alexis (Host)

we are episode four, four, four. All right, that's it. We're gonna do the 10 minute timer so that we don't ramble off and bore everyone listening silly. All right, ready and go. What do you got for me, brother? It go. What do you got for me, brother? Are you ready? 


02:09 - Sam (Host)

yeah, I'm ready, ready to receive. Oh yes, rubber soul are these four fantastic? Bowl haircuts oh the one, and only beetles. So good reason why I don't remember. Don't know if you remember. 


02:25 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, go. 


02:26 - Sam (Host)

Why I chose this? Because I had, like we found out in episode two with the Rolling Stones, I had never listened to a Beatles album top to bottom. 


02:35 - Alexis (Host)

Seriously, don't tell me, except for Beatles. 


02:40 - Sam (Host)

Yeah, beatles One we had at home when I was growing up. So, all the greatest, the number of times I've performed Beatles tunes, the number of times I've listened to that record, that Beatles 1, I've never listened to an entire album. I know a few musicians locally who will probably bash down the door and throw things at me because of that, but, I'm sorry I love it. 


03:09 - Alexis (Host)

That's all right, as long as you know that that is the judgment that you're going to receive. 


03:12 - Sam (Host)

That is fun this is the judgment I've been receiving for a long time um, but yes, that vinyl the cover artwork. 


03:24 - Alexis (Host)

It's not anyone's eyes. That's a little warped the photo. 


03:30 - Sam (Host)

Yes, I heard about that, and I don't remember why. 


03:34 - Alexis (Host)

From memory the stretched photo. It was just like a random thing that happened with the photographer that they had when they were taking photos at john's house and I think they just sort of liked how it was the question is did they see the photo and went we've got to call the album rub or something, or yeah? I don't know. Hang on, let me, let me google it,


04:02 - Sam (Host)

 let me see what they say the amount of time I spent on beetlesbiblecom. 

Google it, let me see what they say the amount of time I spent on Beatlesbiblecom and I didn't find it but recorded, if I remember correctly, in 1965. 


04:13 - Alexis (Host)

Mm-hmm, oh here we go Projecting the photographs exactly onto it to see how it looked on the album cover. We just had chosen the photograph when the card that the picture was projected on fell backwards a little, and that's how it's like. 


04:34 - Sam (Host)

Oh, so it's got that bottom-up angle. 


04:37 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, and then so they went, it was stretched and we went that's it, rubber soul, hey, hey it actually did. 


04:46 - Sam (Host)

I had the album title hmm, there you go on. Artistic people amazing. 


04:56 - Alexis (Host)

I love it. I mean, wasn't there a bit of thought that they were a little bit of like fully fledged potheads at that point anyway? So it sort of worked. 


05:06 - Sam (Announcement)

I wish. 


05:07 - Sam (Host)

I don't know. That would explain a lot, and I love it. 


05:13 - Alexis (Host)

Well, I mean, don't throw me under the bus. I might totally have made that up, but I thought at that point that was sort of you. 


05:19 - Sam (Host)

You know word on the street again beatlesbiblecom, and let's see what it says eventually but that's okay it's true I had to say I loved listening through this because, even outside of the kind of name tracks you drive my car, norwegian Wood, michelle as well the whole of this album was exactly the sound that I was expecting it to be. Out of all the Beatles tunes that I knew already, it was just this quintessential mid-60s sound. It was just spectacular. And Michelle came up, and the first version of Michelle I'd ever heard was not this one. Oh, I believe it was a Sarah Vaughan version, which was really cool okay, do you have a preference? 



a few years back now. Um, I like this one in. It's a bit more raw, a little bit. A little bit rough around the edges, don't get me wrong. Sarah Vaughan's incredible and you can quote me on that, but I loved this version. It wasn't my hot pick, though. Hot pick was actually If I Needed Someone, which I thought was really cool. 


06:37 - Alexis (Host)

Really that's your hot pick yeah. Oh, I love that song. 

06:43 - Sam (Host)

This is, and we keep talking about the fact that I don't listen to lyrics, but it's the third one in a row. 


06:50 - Alexis (Host)

See, you just needed some, you know motivation to get all lyric-y. Yes, sir, I love this. Come to the dark side, come to the dark side, come to my side and we may, 


07:12 - Sam (Host)

if I can find a way of doing it. I found the original lyric scribble. 

Yeah, the original scribble that George wrote the lyrics with. 


07:18 - Alexis (Host)

I'll have to put that on the photo when we post. 


07:21 - Sam (Host)

Yeah, we'll see if we can post it, because it's very it's. It just has a little bit of an extra bit of feeling to it, but but if I needed someone to love, you're the one I'd be thinking of. Which is, as a as a theme, as a concept, I think is really way more interesting than it needs to be. If you want to overthink it. I'm like I don't need someone, but if I did, I'm going to be here.


07:46 - Alexis (Host)

Well, none of us need someone we don't actually like. Some people don't like too. 


07:58 - Sam (Host)

This is turning very quickly into a different conversation. 


08:01 - Alexis (Host)

Therapy Wait, wait, how does? 


08:05 - Sam (Host)

this make you feel as I put a pen in your mouth. 


08:07 - Alexis (Host)

Stop, stop. Don't put glasses on and look down your nose at me. 


08:12 - Sam (Host)

I don't have glasses, so I can't do that. That's okay. Did you have a hot pick of your own? 


08:17 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, I did, and it would have to be. You Won't See Me, I just froth at that call and response and harmonies in that track. Oh, they just sing.


08:35 - Sam (Host)

Yeah, they are amazing. So do you have a hot pick of your own? 


10:03 - Alexis (Host)

I do have a hot pick. It is you Won't See Me, and I truly just love the call and response and the harmonies. They just pun, not intended, but sing at me, not not intended, but still yeah, but as a true lyricist, I just also dive into the meaning and you know, concept. So my understanding is that McCartney wrote it as a bit of a reflection, because he was having difficulties with a relationship at the time. 


And my understanding is that the relationship was with an actor. I'm not sure I know too much about her. I think she an actress named Jane Asher. 


11:02 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, but my understanding is that her refusal to put her acting career second to his needs was like a true you know, pull, push, pull right. Which is where this sort of which is why I think the call and response thing sort of works, when you think that someone's more demanding and wants more and wants you to give up something for yourself. 


11:25 - Sam (Host)

Yeah, Well, I mean with a quick Google. The relationship must have started working again a little bit, because they were together for three years after this album was released. 


11:35 - Alexis (Host)

Oh really. 


11:36 - Sam (Host)

Yeah, 1963 to 1968., Thank you, Wikipedia and Google once again, Make sure you donate to Wikipedia. I've said that before.


11:45 - Alexis (Host)

Not sponsored. 


11:47 - Sam (Host)

Not sponsored. Hashtag not sponsored. She was in death at a funeral, apparently. 


11:53 - Alexis (Host)

Okay, I am really bad with movies and. 


11:57 - Sam (Host)

Me too. That's why I use Google. 


12:00 - Alexis (Host)

I meant more that, like, I very rarely have time to watch that kind of stuff but when I do, I like get really into it. 



But yeah, not, I'm not fully familiar with her work but um, but I can appreciate and I think you know the artist way is that it's really difficult yes, people who really understand the push-pull of this creative life that we have, and you would think that you would find an ally in someone else who is an actor versus a musician, or actress and musician. But clearly there's still tension, something there yeah, tension, it's fun. 


12:41 - Sam (Host)

You talked about the vocal harmonies, though, because, listening through the record, I had the beautiful little happy moment of won't see me and nowhere man. Back to back, back to back the backing vocals are both the same. 


12:56 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah, yeah. 


12:58 - Sam (Host)

Ooh, la, la, la. La, la, la, yeah la la, la, la, la, la, la la. And I was just like, yes, we're in the 60s, let's go. 


13:06 - Alexis (Host)

But part of that is the fact that your ears already know, like I would suggest, that most people, the kids coming up, you know they wouldn't even need to have known all of these songs, and your brain knows where to go, knows where those harmonies, where those call and responses are. 


13:27 - Sam (Host)



13:28 - Alexis (Host)

Yeah. I love it, Love it. 


13:29 - Sam (Host)

I also found, you know. The last thing that I wrote down because I found it interesting was that Going Back to Needed Someone is the only one of George Harrison's songs that became part of their live rep. 


13:52 - Alexis (Host)

Oh really. 


13:53 - Sam (Host)

Only song that George wrote. That was in their live rep Okay, and it was played at Candlestick on 1966, august. It was believed to have been performed at every Beatles concert in 66 and was played at their final show. 


14:12 - Sam (Host)

It's the only one that George wrote that ever went into the live show. 


14:16 - Alexis (Host)



14:18 - Sam (Host)

And it's one that I had not heard before. I listened to this record


14:20 - Alexis (Host)

See, this is why this game is fun. 


14:25 - Sam (Host)

We do this. 


14:26 - Alexis (Host)

This is why we talk to people and talk to each other. 


14:31 - Alexis (Host)

That's time, timer, time time we're done we're done, thank you for getting my butt into gear about records, because I'm not again. First time I'd listened to a beatles record top to bottom and that was great wow, look, that's what a sister's here for it's true, very true all, right 

15:00 - Alexis (Host)

Thanks for tuning in for another episode of Through the Creative Door. If you enjoy our episodes and find value in them, consider supporting us by making a donation. Just visit buymeacoffeecom/throughthecreativedoor or via the link in our Instagram bio where you can choose an amount and even write us a little message. Every little bit helps and we truly appreciate all of your support. But if you can't donate, no worries, you can still help us out by sharing our podcast with your friends and family and leaving a review on your favorite platform. Thanks so much for being part of our community and we'll catch you on your favorite platform. Thanks so much for being part of our community. We'll catch you on the next episode. Bye. 

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